interCAD® Basic and Probe
OrCAD to PCB Layout Interface Design Automation Cross Probing
interCAD® Basic and Probe
interCAD Basic and Probe supports ECO(To-Layout), Cross-Probing, Forward/Back Annotation among heterogeneous tools.
Error-free design among heterogeneous tools is possible by verifying human-errors.
This is the software which can innovatively enhance the design speed
with automation functions which has not been provided from ECAD tools.
Experience the perfect heterogeneous layout interface using OrCAD circuit!
Using circuit reported by OrCAD Capture, this program allows you to create PCB Layout data easily and more accurately.
It also provides DRC function that can check forward annotation, circuit netlist, and library mapping errors based on circuit standard.
You can select component/net/pin (cross-probing) from each different circuit and layout as if they are in one program.
If design revision occurs, it can update the changed design information with saving information of on-going routing/placement.
interCAD Basic
interCAD Basic Pro
Forward Annotation
It allows you to create layout data and update them by using OrCAD circuit. Also, it provides PCB Library inputting function that can prevent human errors when you edit netlist directly.
Back Annotation
You can update the changed information such as layout's RefDes, PCB footprint, Component location, and RefDes location on OrCAD.
Basic Pro Option
It provides full functions of interCAD Basic and specialized automatic functions.
Excel Netlist to PADS Layout
You can create PADS layout data and update the changed information by using excel netlist data.
It provides DRC function checking errors from excel netlist data.
Easy and Fast Layout Footprint Setting
Footprints of the component used in OrCAD circuit can be directly selected in layout tool and matched easily and accurately.
Importing Existing Footprint Setting of Layout Data
Managing Footprint Setting Version
Managing Footprint Change History
It can verify design errors that might occur in the process of creating layout data by using OrCAD circuit.
Netlist Special Characters (blank) or Korean Usage
One Pin of OrCAD circuit
Managing Between Circuit's Symbol and PCB Library
Connecting Off page Net
Cross Probing
Two-way Cross-probing/Link are available between OrCAD Capture and PCB Layout.
interCAD Basic Lite
Try interCAD Basic Lite if you need only cross-probing function.
Interoperable EDA Tool
OrCAD Capture
PADS Layout
Board Station Layout
Xpedition Layout (Only Cross-Probing provided)
Union can allow you to use EDA tools that are interfaced with innovative design automation, DRC functions, and reporting functions; those functions have not supported by existing PCB Design EDA tools. Especially, it provides plug-in formed menu and keyboard shortcuts on PADS Layout, Board Station, OrCAD Capture program without additional programs.
interCAD Basic
interCAD Basic Pro
Placement Block Copy
If there are a number of same blocks, you can place one block at first, and then you can get other blocks copied as you placed it at first.
Net Length Report
The length of chosen traces and routed nets between connected components can be reported. The length of nets source pin to load pin can be also reported in case of different parts in the net are connected.
Basic Pro Option
It provides full functions of interCAD Basic and specialized automatic functions.
Delete Antenna Via
You can delete the existing Antenna Via on the whole board after collective verification
Insert via Function on the Center of Trace Pattern
It can calculate the center location of trace pattern. Then it automatically finds the center spot and generates via on that location.
Trace Delay Tune
Real Time Length Report
Trace 45 Degree, Arc Collective Change
Verifying RefDes Placement
Automatic Gerber Data Generation
Automatic Geometry Generation
interoperable EDA Tool
OrCAD Capture
PADS Layout
Board Station Layout
Trace Tune
It can tune the trace of the Net based on the length set by Hi-Speed Rule value.
Decal Generation and Component Placement Using Excel Coordinated Data
It can create the library and place components using excel coordinated data.
Automatic LGA PAD Placement
The program automatically calculates and places the nearest and easiest wiring order and location of the LGA PAD connected to the component.
Select Via/Component Connected to the Chosen Net
You can select via that is connected to the chosen net.
Learn More About interCAD® Basic
OrCAD and PADS ECO using interCAD CoWork
InterCAD CoWork makes it easy to ECO OrCAD and PADS. You can see the changes through the Session Log, and provide DRC function to check and fix errors.
Layout design and verification using Excel Netlist
You can create layout data or update change information using Excel Netlist data. It provides DRC function to check errors in Excel Netlist data.
Plug-in Automation
Design speed can be dramatically improved by providing automation functions not supported by the PCB Tool. Advanced DRC / Dynamic Report function / Block batch copy function, etc. are provided.
interCAD® Registation
interCAD® Registation account can be created only to customers who purchased the interxsoft product,
If there is no product purchase history of interxsoft it will reject the account registration.
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